A new post full of FFXIV: ARR information has now been released by Square Enix. The information from the dev blog is quoted below.
Greetings FINAL FANTASY XIV fans!
Fernehalwes here with some photos of Yoshida-san straight from the Japan Expo 2013 currently being held in Paris, France.
After a morning filled with interviews and filming video letters for international media outlets while posing as a megalocephalic chocobo…
…our tireless producer made his way to the ridiculously spacious main stage where he gave a presentation on the finer points of A Realm Reborn…
…to what appears to be THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF FRANCE.
After the performance was over, Yoshida-san donned his…personalised towel???
…and headed over to the signing event, where what appears to be THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF FRANCE had lined up with hopes of meeting the big P…
…and getting his John Hancock scrawled across their posters, copies of FFXIV, shirts, midriffs, house deeds…
Won’t anyone think of the chocobos!?!?